Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Sleaford, United Kingdom

Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management
Terms and Conditions
For your convenience, Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management offers two sets of terms and conditions tailored to different services. Please select the appropriate link below:
Pet Owner Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions Important Information for owners – please read
• Your animal must be registered with a veterinary practice local to you.
• Your animal will not be seen without a referral from your primary care vet
• Your animal must have been assessed recently by your vet prior to referral.
• The referral should include a referral form, signed by the veterinary surgeon responsible for your pet, and a full patient history, including any diagnostic imaging / recent blood results
• Your pet must remain under the care of the referring veterinary surgeon/practice or another primary care practice whilst under the care of Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management for chronic pain management and/or complementary therapies (laser / acupuncture / herbal medicine).
• Your primary care vet should be the first point of call for anything other than that for which referral has been made.
• Diagnostics / further investigations remain the responsibility of your first opinion vet and any relevant information should be shared with Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management so as not to compromise patient care.
• Patients on long-term medication will be advised to have regular bloods tests and these will be directed back to your first opinion vet practice. The results should be shared with Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management at the earliest opportunity as a change in treatment may be required.
• Any potential side effects of any treatment given / prescribed by Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management will be discussed in full at the time of the treatment and you will be instructed what to do should these occur.
• Many of the medications used to manage chronic pain are not licensed for use in animals but are widely accepted as being safe and effective when used appropriately. You will be asked to sign an “off-licence” form when these drugs are prescribed for the first time by Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management and then annually, thereafter.
• Should your pet experience a sudden deterioration in their symptoms, you should contact your primary care vet (or their dedicated out of hours service provider) as further investigations / quicker acting “rescue” analgesia / hospitalisation or euthanasia may be required.
• Your primary care vet will be kept updated on any treatments prescribed / given by Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management and will be informed of any concerns that requires further investigation / intervention that is outside the remit of Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management
• You must inform me, at the earliest opportunity, if there has been any changes in your pets health requiring veterinary intervention since your last appointment. This may affect any treatment given.
• Legislation now requires that patients on controlled drugs (e.g tramadol and gabapentin) will only be prescribed a months treatment at a time and must have a physical examination prior to each prescription being issued.
• Payment is expected in full within 7 days of the appointment via BACS, Cash, or Card.
• Insurance – treatment is likely to be covered on your policy but please check with your insurance provider. As a small business I am unable to do direct claims. Payment must be made to me and then a claim submitted to your insurance company.
• If you are unable to attend your appointment please inform Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management at the earliest opportunity to cancel. Failure to attend a scheduled appointment may result in a charge.
• On being referred to Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management you are agreeing to the above terms.
Terms and Conditions Important information for referring veterinary practices – please read
• An animal will not be seen without a referral from the primary care vet
• The referral should include a referral form signed by the veterinary surgeon responsible for the patient and a full patient history, including any diagnostic imaging / recent blood results
• The patient must remain under the care of the referring veterinary surgeon/practice or another primary care practice whilst under the care of Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management (for chronic pain management and/or complementary therapies e.g. laser / acupuncture / herbal medicine).
• The primary care vet should be the first point of call for anything other than that for which referral has been made.
• Diagnostics / further investigations remain the responsibility of the first opinion vet and any relevant information should be shared with Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management so as not to compromise patient care.
• Patients on long-term medication will be advised to have regular bloods tests and these will be directed back to the first opinion vet practice. The results should be shared with Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management at the earliest opportunity as a change in treatment may be required.
• Any potential side effects of any treatment given / prescribed by Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management is discussed in full with the client and they are instructed what to do if these are encountered.
• Should any animal experience a sudden deterioration in their symptoms, the owners are advise to contact the primary care provider (or their dedicated out of hours service provider) as further investigations / quicker acting “rescue” analgesia / hospitalisation or euthanasia may be required.
• The primary care vet will be kept updated on any treatments prescribed / given by Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management and will be informed of any concerns that requires further investigation / intervention that is outside the remit of Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management
• On referring a patient to Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management you are agreeing to the above terms. Data Protection
• Veterinary Acupuncture and Pain Management holds records of veterinary practices and practitioners who have referred clients and their patients to the clinic. This is used use to provide you with updates on the referrals you have made to us or request further information pertaining to our mutual patient. It is also used for insurance claims.
• All data is stored securely in a locked filing cabinet or on a password protected computer.